Goodbye, We Love You
7/17/17 – 8/20/12
Phyllis Diller lived with style and grace,
And Phyllis Diller died with a smile on her face.
by Bernie Shine
“My Prayer” By Phyllis Diller
On this happy day
I am thankful
For my blessings
And I pray
For renewed belief
In myself and
Others and
this bond of
will expand
to envelop
the entire
1 Comment
What a great SITE! Great PEOPLE! I remember Phyllis Diller (and Joan Rivers, for that matter) from the beginning (almost)… Carson? Jack Paar (maybe)? Sullivan?
Thank you Gregg Barson for capturing these greats for posterity! You too, are a great man!
Jerry Lewis?? Do I blubber and cry NOW at the joy he gave me as a lad and to this very day? Do I blather on and on about the sheer ECSTASY of watching him (in B&W) while a boy on the living room floor.
Jerry Lewis is (almost) as important a part of MY life as mom’s BREASTS, for goodness sake… actually more so, we should hope.. 🙂
I am hoping to watch Method To The Madness with my son. I’m looking for air times and just inquired about purchasing a disc. What a great BIO. I saw it months ago on TV and LOVED IT! You did a great thing with that work. I need to see Phyllis Diller now because she was such a TREASURE!! Thanks so much..